How To Simplify Your Social Media Strategy Into Three Steps And Get More Customers On-Demand

While only 30% of businesses receive an ROI from their social media marketing, getting a return on your time, money and energy doesn’t have to be complicated. (Source: IOC Survey 2014)

What You Should Ignore

First, ignore fluff metrics like Impression, Reach, Clicks and Return on Engagement. While they can help you see “behind the scenes” of your marketing, they aren’t tied to any real growth numbers and can be a distraction from real business-building tactics.  Especially when you are short on time.

Second, to be effective while not spending all day on social media, ignore every plugin, shiny object or new network that comes your way.  We marketers are like squirrels who jump around from nut to nut wasting our energy where through focus, we achieve much more.

While there are many options of what you can do, if you want to spend less time on social media while getting better results, put blinders on for most of what’s out there.

Simple Three-Step Formula

I’ve devised a stunningly simple, yet effective way to approach social media.

M:  Magnet

O:  Opt-in

M:  Monetize

(Tweet this!)

M: Magnet

Turn your social media profile into a magnet for your perfect prospects so you can attract them to you where they are, pick them up, and take them out of the network into your own channel.  Your goal should be to get them out of the social media channel as quickly as possible so you aren’t competing with all that’s on the network, like funny cat videos, pictures of cute kids, and Candy Crush. A magnet for your perfect prospects, in two ways:

1) Attract your perfect prospects.  This means knowing exactly who you are for and who you aren’t for and developing an initial offer of value to draw them in.  This can include a free report, white paper, e-book, webinar, discount code, gift certificate, entry in a contest, or ticket to an event.

2) Move them out of Facebook.  Send your perfect prospects outside of Facebook to receive their reward and to begin your long-term relationship. (Sounds serious, doesn’t it? Well, when you start bringing in revenue this way…it sure is!)

Example from one of our clients, Craig Proctor:


Landing Page:

O: Opt-In

Here is where you are going to target your PERFECT prospects.  For details on all of your different options, see last week’s blog:

A Simple Breakdown Of The Different Audience Types On Facebook

Start testing your ads with $5-$10 a day daily spends to see what your cost-per-opt-in is in order to determine your overall budget.

M:  Monetize

The big secret to selling through Facebook marketing is that you don’t sell on Facebook.

Instead, you are planning ahead of time what is happening to your leads in order to close a sale after your prospect fills out the initial opt-in form.

In Craig’s case, they are taken to a landing page that invites the prospect to a free ½-day seminar.  They are also added to their email list and will start to receive invitations to other events and programs that Craig offers.

Some options in monetizing your leads after the opt-in:

a. Invite to an event
b. Provide a discount code or gift certificate with a set deadline to redeem
c. Send emails to build trust and ultimately make an offer to buy something
d. Provide a video series
e. Hold a live consulting call
f. Offer a free webinar that gives lots of content and will ultimately make an offer to buy something

That’s it…three steps to success on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

With no Likes Contest, Post Promotion or Fancy Apps needed.

Do you have an initial opt-in set up? Link to it in the comments before 10/20 and you can win a ticket to InfoSummit ($2,500 value).

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